Lesotho Destination Wedding Photographers
It’s not often that you get to be Lesotho Destination wedding photographers, in fact, this was a first for us and we absolutely loved being part of Liako & Mak’s wedding in Maseru. They are such an amazing couple, perfect for each other and they have the most fun friends and family! Mak currently lives in Canada (this is also where he proposed to Liako) and it was great to talk travel with him and to also see a few of his close friends from Canada who were able to make it to share in their special day.
Liako and Mak both grew up in Lesotho, and so when Liako asked us to be her Lesotho Destination Wedding photographers, we didn’t just say yes, we said HECK YES! And we’re so glad we did as this was a really amazing wedding to capture. In between studies and travelling, they managed to pull of the perfect day and this wedding will for a long time be one of our absolute favourites. Wishing you guys all the best for your future plans, wherever you might find yourselves in the world! Thank you again for having us as your photographers!