Bloemfontein Wedding Photographer


Being Gauteng wedding photographers, we couldn’t have asked for a better couple to finish off our 2013! Sonica & Gareth got married at Bronberg Wynlandgoed in Pretoria and we absolutely loved being a part of their special day. Bronberg Wynlandgoed has the feel of a traditional Cape Wine Land-style venue and with its quaint chapel and well kept gardens, it is the perfect backdrop for a wedding. Highlights of their day had to be the amazing food, as well as Sonica’s father-daughter dance with her dad. When looking back at moments captured after each wedding, we realise just how blessed we are to have the privilege of being able to capture these precious moments in the lives of our clients. You can view a little sequence of the father-daughter dance amongst the images below – these have to be our favourites of the whole set! Sonica & Gareth, thank you for letting us be a part of your special day. We loved spending it with you and we wish you a lifetime of blessings and a wonderful journey through life as husband and wife!